
  • Fredrik Lero Sudy Sekolah Pasca Sarjana Universitas Brawijaya Indonesia
  • Mudji Santoso Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia
  • Nur Edy Suminarti Sekolah Pascasarjana Universitas Gadjah Mada Indonesia


sweet corn, cow livestock waste and nitrogen fertilizer


The Nationally demand of Sweet corn demand has increased to 33.33%, but production is still low 4-8-ton ha-1, which is caused by low soil fertility. The efforts to improve soil fertility through nitrogen and animal waste fertilization is done. This experiment using the Split Spot Design Method with N as the main plot consisted dose of 150%, 100% and 50%. Subplot using the type of cow livestock waste, consisting of: without cow livestock waste, feces, urine and feces + urine. The results showed that the application of N, dose of 150% resulted in weight cob without husk per hectare (2.06 ton) diameter cob without husk (0.32 cm) higher and harvest index (3.8%) is smaller than the dose of N 50%. Applications livestock waste types feces + urine or urine, resulting in weight cob without husker hectare, diameter cob without husk, which was not significantly different from each 13.07 ton ha-1 and 13.13 ton ha-1, 5.12 cm and 5.02 cm both were significantly higher than feces or without livestock waste, while the harvest index showed that feces + urine is significantly higher than that of urine, feces and without livestock waste.


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How to Cite

Sudy, F. L., Santoso, M., & Suminarti, N. E. (2015). PENGARUH LIMBAH TERNAK SAPI PADA TANAMAN JAGUNG MANIS YANG DIPUPUK NITROGEN. Jurnal Ilmu-Ilmu Pertanian, 21(1), 26–34. Retrieved from




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